About Us


LNKM is a faith based organization dedicated to helping the people of North Korea improve their daily lives. This goal is directly accomplished through clean water projects, green energy, as well as by providing partner NGO’s (Non Government Organizations) working inside North Korea with appropriate technology solutions. LNKM accomplishes the vision by building relationship bridges between organizations and individuals who desire to help and those doing the work in the DPRK North Korea.

LNKM Inc. is a registered U.S. 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization.  Being registered as tax-exempt organizations allows us to provide charitable donation tax receipts to donors in both Korea and the US.

LNKM은 북한주민들의 어려움을 조금이나마 돕기 위해 세워진 기독교 단체입니다. 생수공급 프로젝트와 그린에너지 공급 프로젝트를 진행하며 타NGO들과 협력하여 북한주민들의 일상의 필요들을 채워주는 저희들의 소망입니다. 또한, 이 일에 동참하고자 하는 교회와 개인을 사역지에 이어주는 다리역할을 감당하기 원합니

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