Segoine Family Support

Segoine Family Support

$0 raised
  • LNKM Inc (USA)
  • Family
  • Donations to this project are not tax-deductible

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Gabe and Joy Segoine have been serving together in Christian ministry since 2000. They are currently long-term workers serving teh Korean Penninsula and the Korean Americans in the US. The Lord has placed the people of Korea on both of their hearts. They have three daughters, Danielle, Charity and Hope. Would you consider supporting us financially? Regular or one time tax-deductible gifts in both the US and Korea can be made by clicking give buttons.  If you are not in the US or Korea, please email us at and we can let you know other giving options. Thank you.  

세고인 사역자 가족은 청년시기에 사역에 헌신한 2000 결혼 한반도와 디아스포라를 섬기시작했습니다. 북녁땅에 살고 있는 한민족을 향한 마음을 많이 주셔서 기회가 되면 땅에 살면서 그곳 사람들에게 하나님의 사랑을 나누고자 하는 소망을 품고 있습니다. 슬하에 셋을 두었습니다. 세고인 사역자 가족을 후원함으로 하나님나라를 이뤄가는LNKM 사역에 동참해 주십시오. 헌금을 원하시면 “Give Now” 버튼을, 매달 정기 후원을 원하시면 “ Give Monthly” 버튼을 눌러주십시오.

문의사항은 gabeandjoy@hotmail.com으로 이메일 주시면 조속히 드리겠습니다. 감사합니다!

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LNKM Inc. is a USA registered 501(c)3 Tax Exempt Non-Profit Organization based in Boise Idaho.

Donors can make a tax deductible gift via check which can be sent to:

4169 W Freemont
Boise, Idaho 83706

Make checks payable to "LNKM Inc". If you would like a hard copy of your charitable donation receipt mailed to you, please also provide an address where it can be sent.

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