• North Korea
  • LNKM (Korea)
  • Clean Water
  • Donations to this project are tax-deductible

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About This Project

Our Living Water Project was established as a partnership with a wholly foreign owned company operating in a region in the north eastern part of North Korea (DPRK) in November of 2012. Our team uses a hydraulic drilling method to drill deep wells for villages, hospitals, clinics, kindergartens as well as wherever else we have the opportunity to touch lives by providing clean water. Since starting the work, we have been able to see 46 wells drilled, providing sustainable water supplies for tens of thousands of people inside North Korea.  We also have the opportunity to continue training our local well drilling team, equipping them with the tools they will need to build a better future.

As our 2018 well drilling season approaches, we again have the opportunity to touch many more lives with water wells, but in order to drill these wells we need your help.  We have set a goal of raising $10,000USD for the 2018 drilling season and with the funding we will be able to continue the work.  Would you consider making a tax-deductible donation towards this project?   No amount is too small and 100% of your gift will go towards providing clean water for people inside North Korea.

생수프로젝트는, 북한 동북 지역에 정식으로 등록한 외국인기독교기업과 합병하여 2012년부터 지역주민들에게 맑은 물 제공에 힘쓰고 있는 사역입니다. 암반수를 끌어내어 동네 가정들, 진료소, 병원, 유치원 등에 깨끗한 물을 제공하고 있습니다. 지난 5년간 34구의 우물을 시추하여 수만명의 북한 주민들을 섬겨오고 있습니다. 또한 현지 기술자들에게 기술을 전수하여 앞으로 미래에 다가 올 개발의 시기를 준비하고 있습니다.

겨울이 끝나면 잠시 멈추었던 우물시추 공사가 시작될 텐데, 여러분의 도움이 필요합니다. 올해 공사를 위해 미화 2만불을 목표로 모금을 시작합니다. 우리의 동족이며 나아가 가족인  그분들에게 물 한사발씩 대접하는 마음으로 함께 해 주십시오. 보내주시는 후원금은 100%  북한 우물시추에 사용됩니다. 필요하신 분에게는 세금환급영수증도 발급해 드립니다.


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Project Owner

LNKM (Korea)

LNKM is a registered NGO in South Korea.

  • Website
  • Address

    LNKM 4th Floor
    1796 Joongsan-dong
    Ilsan-dong gu, Kyunggi-do 410-315
    South Korea

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